Logosol’s band sawmills have the capacity to cut really big logs, but logs with a large diameter are also very heavy. Now Logosol has three new accessories that will facilitate.
Logosol’s band sawmills can cut large logs, but the sawing is only a part of the log handling. The logs quickly become heavy when the diameter increases. The increase is linear with length, but with the diameter the increase in weight is squared. As an example, you can say that a log with a diameter of 70 cm is twice as heavy as one that has a diameter of 50 cm.
”When you are handling heavy logs, it is important that you take it easy and think about safety,” says Jonas Höglund, product development manager at Logosol.
Many have a tractor they can use, but then they risk damaging the sawmill. Logosol has developed equipment that enables you to handle really big logs manually on your own, and do it in a safe way.
The new accessories, which you can read about to the right, enable you to cut logs that have the diameters the sawmill is designed to handle, i.e. 75 cm or a whole metre depending on what model you have. You no longer have to hesitate about handling very big logs. Besides the fact that these logs contain large volumes of wood, which can become a considerable amount of standard boards and planks, you can cut really wide and beautiful pieces that often have a much greater value, in terms of both money and joy.
To start with, the sawmill should be set up steadily and on firm ground. The sturdy support legs, which are fitted to the bottom of the rail frame, add to stability, raise the sawmill to a good working height and give room for the log loader (if you do not choose a sawmill with a trailer kit, where support legs are included).
The log loader consists of two ramps, which are placed between the rail frame and the ground, and a crane with a winch and a long cable. The cable is wound one time around the log you are going to load, then you just turn the crank until the log is in place on the sawmill. When you are going to rotate the log, you use the same crane and rotate the log against extra sturdy log supports. These log supports have rollers on their tops to prevent the log from getting hooked. Instead, the log now rotates smoothly.
To secure the log during sawing there is a longer and sturdier log clamp. A new holder for it, with bigger holes, is fitted to a cross bunk. The bigger log clamp works in the same clever way as the original, with double eccentrics. This is a patented solution that has proven to work exceptionally well. It can be a good idea to keep the original log clamps and their holders on another cross bunk, as they can come in handy when cutting smaller logs.