-‘Slice up your storm-felled logs! It is quickly done, and you retain all the wood’s qualities.’ This advice comes from Logosol’s founder Bengt-Olov Byström, who continues to think smalläscale in the wake of the storm.

The method of slicing logs into thick, unedged boards has several advantages.
-‘This is how it’s been done with the most valuable wood for ages. Sawn timber can lie for a lifetime without sustaining damage,’ says Bengt-Olov Byström.

Logosol Sawmills – part of the solution

Of course, a sawmill from Logosol cannot solve all the problems with storm-felled forest. However, having your own sawmill can be part of the solution. Especially when the aftermath of the storm consits of isolated windfalls. More and more people see the advantage of having their own sawmill on their property for various construction and home renovation projects. With storm-felled forest, there are plenty of timber available.

– ‘The industry can’t handle small amounts of timber. It varies, but less than a full truckload is usually an entirely uninteresting delivery. Many who contact Logosol think that there is too little talk about other possibilities than selling the forest for a low price as pulpwood or sawn timber. I agree with them’, says Bengt-Olov.
– ‘It becomes quite profitable to saw up smaller amounts of wood with your own sawmill when the alternative is to turn timber logs into firewood or, even worse, let the logs rot’, says Bengt-Olov Byström.

 – ‘For those who have their own sawmill and a need for wood, it is more profitable to take care of at least parts of the trees themselves. It feels very good to saw trees from your own forest into fine building materials for spring construction projects’, says Bengt-Olov.


The storm-felled forest is a dangerous workplace.

Bengt-Olov is careful to point out that storm-felled forests are dangerous workplaces. Much has to be handled by machines. Unfortunately, too many accidents have already occurred.
– Only tackle trees that are freely lying without any dangerous rootstocks, he urges. There are enough safe trees to provide many days of work at your sawmill.

Feel free to contact us, and we will help you find a suitable sawmill for your needs.
Logosol offers chainsaw mills with electric saw or chainsaw and a complete range of bandsaw mills.

Also, read our handbook on Small-Scale Advice in the Aftermath of the Storm here.



The most effective method is to saw the logs into unedged boards, 2-3 inches thick, which you place on supports under a roof to dry, Bengt-Olov suggests.
– This way, you can saw between 10-20 cubic meters of wood per day, depending on the type of sawing unit. Moreover, sawn wood doesn’t warp nearly as much as planks and boards during drying, says Bengt-Olov.

Sawn and unedged boards are used as raw material by furniture factories and carpentry workshops. The advantage is that cracking is minimal. Afterward, you can cut the dimensions you need.
– A sawmill from us has proven to be very useful and provides the opportunity for action.

F2+ Chain Sawmill

The F2+ takes the F2 to the next level! This sawmill is sturdier, heavier, and designed for customers who need an extra-robust machine for handling large logs. All key components are reinforced to withstand the stress of heavy timber, and to accommodate larger logs, the log beds have been extended by a full 20 cm.